World Continence Week 2020

What is urinary incontinence? Urinary incontinence is leaking of urine, and you can not control it   Did you know that there are FOUR types of urinary leakage? 1 stress incontinence – Urine leaks out at times when your bladder or belly is under sudden increase of pressure; for example, when you sneeze, cough,laugh,jump or [...]

When small bladders have big problems – overview of common conditions

Urinary incontinence - leaks and spurts Urinary leakage is an involuntary loss of urine that happens in an inappropriate place or time. The child must be five years of age, have a minimum of one episode per month and a minimum duration of three months for an official diagnosis to be made (Austin et al., [...]

Visualization, relaxation and breathing for constipation

Children with constipation experience a lot of anxiety. Relaxation techniques may help to decrease anxiety. There are many relaxation techniques available. There are even apps available for your cellphone to help you practice mindfulness, relaxation exercises or breathing. Here is my combination of progressive muscle relaxation techniques combined with visualization and deep breathing. Use what [...]

Bladder diary template

Bladder and bowel diary template

Good bladder habits for patients that leak urine

• If you experience leakage more in the night, try to cut out fluids for at least two hours before bedtime. Empty the bladder just before you go to bed. • If you experience more leakage in the day, avoid coffee, caffeine, fizzy drinks and spicy foods as they can irritate the bladder. Only drink [...]